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Youth Consciousness Summit 2023


in the Ecuadorian Andes


Spring 2024 - details forthcoming

Deepening Connection

with self, others and nature 

 Vision & Inspiration

The vision for these youth consciousness summits emerged out of a deep frustration. Noticing a pervasive lack of depth within modern day connections, I felt called to organize a focused group experience. I wanted to create a structured container that would encourage the development of strong relationships between youth, as well as a deepened understanding of self and a more sound connection with the earth. I yearned to find a group of young people who were willing to go beyond the superficial and mainstream ways in which we often interact, and who were eager to take part in a group that would consistently push its growing edge.

In August 2022, my dear friend Emilia and I facilitated the first Youth Consciousness Summit. Seven courageous individuals decided to buy their plane tickets and make their way into the Ecuadorian Andes for this ten-day immersive experience.

Some things are just too beautiful to put into words. I was left completely and utterly amazed by what our group created together in this short time. I found a fuller sense of hope for my future and the future of humanity than I had felt in a very long time.

And so we continue: To unite seeking individuals and to dive deeper into the exploration of the potential that arises when open and capable young adults come together in a facilitated container of growth. Young adults - their perspectives and contributions - are essential. And our ability to collaborate most certainly plays a role in helping humanity find a better path forward.

With love and hope,

Adonia Martineau


"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning how to dance in the rain." - Anonymous

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