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Based on the pillars of Nature, Culture and Economy,

we are piloting bioregional-scale solutions to global problems,

combining Web3 Infrastructure with the Web of Life.


In order to create an empowered and sovereign SANEconomy, we are:

  • Designing a new kind of special economic zones: Regenerative Economic Zones
  • Launching a blockchain-based token that fuels bioregional resiliency 
  • Developing a bioregional Mutual Credit System to empower communities in decentralizing their economy.
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To support Regenerative and Joyful Co-Living, we are:

  • Creating EcoVillage Sanctuaries for education and wellness, piloting bioregional solutions to global problems
  • Engaging multi-stakeholder collaboration
  • Aligning choice making with ethics and values that support a sane existence
  • Supporting community networking through a decentralized Messenger App 
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As contribution toward thriving, resilient ecosystems, we are:

  • Implementing regenerative ecosystem-based approaches
  • Strengthening climate resilience through locally based adaptation strategies  
  • Identifying landscape-level initiatives to maximize restorative impact  
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Based on the pillars of Nature, Culture and Economy,

we are piloting bioregional-scale solutions to global problems,

combining Web3 Infrastructure with the Web of Life.


In order to create an empowered and sovereign SANEconomy, we are:

  • Designing a new kind of special economic zones: Regenerative Economic Zones
  • Launching a blockchain-based token that fuels bioregional resiliency 
  • Developing a bioregional Mutual Credit System to empower communities in decentralizing their economy.
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To support Regenerative and Joyful Co-Living, we are:

  • Creating EcoVillage Sanctuaries for education and wellness, piloting bioregional solutions to global problems
  • Engaging multi-stakeholder collaboration
  • Aligning choice making with ethics and values that support a sane existence
  • Supporting community networking through a decentralized Messenger App 
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As contribution toward thriving, resilient ecosystems, we are:

  • Implementing regenerative ecosystem-based approaches
  • Strengthening climate resilience through locally based adaptation strategies  
  • Identifying landscape-level initiatives to maximize restorative impact  
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Reimagining economy
- A SANE FUTURE - Reimagining Economy -
The Sane economy
- A SANE FUTURE - The Sane Economy -
A network of resilient bioregions
- A SANE FUTURE - A Network of resilient bioregions -
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Bioregions we are currently active in and collaborating with:

The Amazon Rainforest

A pilot project at scale: two million acres of Amazon Rainforest.

We are partnering with Shuar community leaders and members to demonstrate a regenerative economy in action on Shuar territory, one that protects and restores ecosystems, while enhancing human well-being.

This regenerative economy aims to support the inherent sovereignty of the Shuar People and empower the future they envision for themselves. Through this collaboration, an indigenous lineage with all its intrinsic wisdom meets the potential offered by Regenerative Finance.


The Ecuadorian Andes

In a bioregion where sovereignty and self-reliance are truly possible (supported by the Ecuadorian constitution, the climate and the bioregional micro-culture), we are stewarding 70 acres.

We are engaged in and/or have completed the creation of:

Our next step in this bioregion is to work with the local community on overall bioregional resiliency and synergize with already existing local initiatives to support the creation of a Regenerative Economic Zone.


BC's Inland Temperate Rainforest

Through strategic partnerships, ownership and lease agreements, we steward over 35,500 acres of land in western Canada. Using the platform of Integral Forestry & Land Stewardship for Ecosystem-based Management, we are participating in the creation of a resilient bioregion through:
  • Agroforestry & Regenerative Agriculture
  • Village Design on 80 acres
  • 11-acre Resiliency Centre for the valley community
  • River & Watershed Restoration
  • Soil Rehabilitation on a 400-acre farm
  • Bioregional Climate Change Adaptation
  • Reintroduction of fire at scale in historically fire-maintained ecosystems
  • Wildfire Mitigation

Below a sample – from the micro to the macro:

Amazon Protection
Amazon Protection & Regeneration

A SANEconomy in the making
Mutual Credit App
Mutual Credit App

Empowering communities with alternative Currencies
integrated villages
Prototyping Fully Integrated Eco-Villages

Design and Implementation of Coherent, Bioregional Living
Bioregional Onboarding Toolkit

Piloting Solutions to Global Problems at the Bioregional Scale
Sane App
SANE Messenger App

Sense-making & Networking Virtually. Designed to connect SANE members globally.
Integral forestry
Integral Forestry

Managing for Bioregional Resiliency and Climate Change Adaptation
Regen sciences
Applied Regenerative Sciences Initiative

A Living Lab to Research Organic Regenerative Principles & Mechanisms
Youth Conciousness
Youth Consciousness Summits

Deepening Connection with Self, Others, and Nature
Parenting for the future

Bringing consciousness to one of the most important cultural tasks
Resiliency Centre
resiliency centres

Building templates for community resilience
Fish Habitat
fish habitat restoration

Bringing them back to their Homes
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 Our work is enriched by partnering with a group of remarkable organizations and humans around the world. 

With some we are directly involved. With others we stand in mutual support.

Together we are evolving our capacity to collaborate and make a difference.


Meet our Partners >>


Listening to the future and reverse-engineering from there, is how we create the world we yearn for, and know is possible.

~ Stephan Martineau