Amazon Protection & Regeneration


- A SANEconomy in the Making


SANE is partnering with Shuar community leaders and members to build and demonstrate a regenerative economy in action on Shuar territory that is currently made of over 2,000,000 acres of Amazon Rainforest. This regenerative economy aims to protect and restore ecosystems, while enhancing human health and wellness.

This project supports the inherent sovereignty of the Shuar People and empowers the future they envision for themselves.

Through this collaboration, an indigenous lineage, with all its intrinsic wisdom, meets the potential offered by Regenerative Finance, interweaving the Web of Life with Web3 to create an Ancient Future.



Mutual Credit App


- Empowering Communities with Alternative Currencies   


The SANE mutual credit app is a form of economic exchange system whereby participants lend and borrow credits from each other, instead of exchanging conventional money. The credits represent IOUs that can be redeemed for goods and/or services within the network.

The SANE mutual credit system builds on this by creating a community-driven financial network that employs an alternative currency based on the stable value of a local product. This system enables individuals to exchange goods and services without traditional currency, using mutual credits which represent a fraction of the chosen item's value.

This system is key to the grassroots, bottom-up component of a SANEconomy emerging. It acts both as a decentralized bioregional economic driver, but also plays a key role in the tokenomics of the overall SANEconomy.





Prototyping Fully Integrated Eco-Villages  

- Design and Implementation of Coherent, Bioregional Living 


These villages include both inner and outer design and application.

We focus on building coherence and a sane culture amongst a gradually expanding circle of people, a team steadfast in its commitment to not lose depth as we grow in breadth.

Simultaneously we are creating "locations" — both physical and virtual — for this evolving coherent and sane culture to begin to take shape and express itself in the exterior.

Our team has extensive experience building eco-villages, having built one co-housing community in Canada that is thriving with 85 residents, and having lived in a conscious community for over a decade. We are now launching two ecovillages in Ecuador, complete with a retreat center, conference space, and a few smaller locations for in-depth gathering and immersions. Following permaculture principles, the exterior design aims to encourage and nurture a sense of the sacred, a harmonious weaving of human relationships, and a deep reverence for the natural world. To learn more >>




Bioregional Onboarding Resiliency Toolkit


- Creating a Web of Bioregions Working on Resiliency


In order to be truly resilient, communities need to become sturdy at the confluence of nature, culture and economy. Our team applies a meta-systemic lens and brings over three decades of skill and experience to resiliency building. As part of our onboarding process for bioregions, we offer a full-stack resiliency toolkit that spans tools and practices for the interior dimensions of self and coherent culture, all the way to utilizing leading-edge adaptive technologies to protect and sustain the complex web of life in a bioregion. 


Our Resiliency Toolkit includes:


    • 108 assessment criteria for bioregional resiliency potential
    • Integral Framework for multi-stakeholder collaboration
    • Value perspectives mapping
    • Identifying key individuals & organizations within a bioregion
    • Coherence building & key strategies for core team working within a bioregion
    • Bioregional mapping, watershed mapping and ecosystem-based planning
    • Sourcing collectively generated desired future conditions for a thriving human/nature interface
    • Roadmap to bioregional resiliency

If you believe your bioregion is ready to become a SANE bioregion, contact us and we can begin the assessment process.





Networking App


- A Secure, Sovereign, Decentralized, Community-owned, Censorship-resistant App


SANE members gain access to an exclusive app—available for both iOS and Android—developed by our partner, zer0. This app facilitates secure, decentralized, and censorship-resistant connections among SANE members globally, promoting bioregional and cross-bioregional exchanges and discussions. The app is instrumental in building coherence, enabling collective sense-making, and gathering momentum. It helps us enhance our collaborative capacity, reassuring us that we are not alone in our efforts to contribute toward a thriving planet.

Our secure and decentralized app provides a virtual space to help build coherence, sense make together, and gather momentum so that we can keep increasing our collective capacity. 

Part of a SANE bioregion? Interesting in joining? We are opening to more participants in the fall of 2024. Apply here >

Phone App


Integral Forestry


- Managing for Bioregional Resiliency and Climate Change Adaptation


Utilizing the platform of Community Forestry members of our team are managing over 35,000 acres with our partner, SIFCo, to create a resilient bioregion.  

The work includes ecosystem-based management, landscape-level wildfire protection planning, future conditions simulation, adaptive species transition, invasive plants management, advanced mapping technology, and more. SIFCo uses the best available science, and is a forerunner in bioregional climate change adaptation. 

We imagine a future where ecosystems are able to withstand rapidly changing conditions, and are doing the work today to exponentially help the bioregion become increasingly resilient. This work includes the consideration of all values associated with complex ecosystems. 




Applied Regenerative Sciences Initiative


- A Living Lab to Research Organic Regenerative Principles and Mechanisms

The Applied Regenerative Sciences Initiative is a living lab seeking to understand, apply, and embody the organic regenerative principles and mechanisms inherent in creation as foundational elements of our collective transformational journey.

We investigate, validate, and implement the evolution of a regenerative living template, specifically focusing in the fields of technologies, medicine, and permaculture.

We are currently completing the construction of our research lab in the Andean mountains of Ecuador, set amidst three acres of permaculture gardens where internships will be offered.




Youth Consciousness Summits


- Deepening Relationship with Self, Others & Nature 


Located in the rippling green of the Ecuadorian Andes, we offer bi-annual Youth Consciousness Summits (for 18 to 26 year olds), hosted at Takina Nuna, our retreat center on 55 acres of beautiful land, nestled in the mountains, immersed in nature: silence allowing for creativity, sunsets bringing forth appreciation and calm, fireflies sharing light within the darkness, and the stars reflecting the vast universe.

These summits — organized and led by youth — arose from a desire to bring together like-hearted individuals with the invitation to dive deeper into the exploration of the potential that arises when open and capable young adults come together in a facilitated container of growth. 

The summit design and structure encourages the growth of each individual, within the collective, and in relationship to the earth. Together, the young adults focus on finding depth and discovering more meaningful relationships with self, with one another and nature. Learn more >>





Parenting for the Future


- Bringing Consciousness to one of the most Important Cultural Tasks 


A child well-parented lies at the foundation of a healthy culture. Conscious parenting is indeed a powerful form of long-term activism. If you get the start of a human life right — if you parent in a way that supports your child not having to "get over their childhood", but instead enables them to experience their early years as a nurturing springboard for the rest of their lives, you are recreating culture, one child at a time.

It is never too late to heal, to become whole again. And: it is always worth working toward raising a child in ways that prevent the need for future healing because their wholeness was left intact, nurtured and guided.

In our eight-week self-paced online course, we have put together a comprehensive approach to exploring a new frontier in the parenting adventure. From meta-perspectives to daily practices you will discover just how powerful this integral-evolutionary context can be in creating the fullest, richest, most loving parenting practice. Raise the bar for how you show up as a parent and provide your child with the very best foundation for becoming a loving, creative, conscious being - while discovering an unshakeable ease amidst the inevitable ups, downs and doubts of parenting: 



babyfeet - raising future


Resiliency Centres


- Building Templates of Community Resilience 


Communities around the world are facing increasing challenges — social, economic, physical, psychological, and environmental stressors are converging, and the need for a strong network and resources in the face of such adversity is more apparent than ever.

In a mountain valley in British Columbia, Canada, members of our team are building a Resiliency Centre that is available in the event of local emergencies, such as wildfires, extreme heat events or flooding. This Resiliency Centre will also serve as a year-round resource (offering educational, social and recreational activities) for the community, thereby encouraging the overall health and wellbeing of valley residents.

We envision this effort as a prototype that can be emulated in all SANE bioregions — ideally each bioregion has at least one such centre, and a support network can start to emerge amongst them.

These centres will serve as educational outposts for coherence building at the bioregional scale, as well as for family support, youth activities, and local exchange of goods and services. They will offer spaces to learn about seed saving, food resiliency, soil regeneration, and more.



Fish Habitat Restoration

- Bringing Them back to their Homes  

In certain bioregions fish populations are challenged due to warming waters in rivers and small creeks, a consequence of late summer and early fall temperatures that are higher than historical averages. These warmer waters pose a life-threatening stress to native fish that thrive in cooler conditions.

We identify creeks that could potentially be good cool water refugia for local fish populations. We then create fish passable channels so that fish can easily access the creeks from the rivers by installing 'rock ladders' at the creek mouths. Following this, we establish diverse fish habitat and pools upstream by adding rock structures to the creeks. Finally, we add rock features to control bank erosion along the channels, and vegetate the banks to create shade.

The shade cools the waters, the channels invite fish up the creeks, the pools create local habitat for them, and bank erosion control reduces sediment accumulation.

Such new habitat allows for fish populations to thrive and begin to repopulate the rivers.


