For humanity to make it through the current meta-crisis, we need to evolve our capacities to coordinate, collaborate, and synergize. At the core of SANE lies a deep realization that we ultimately need each other in order to navigate this time in history. None of us can do this alone. Coming together with others in stable coherence is challenging, and doing this while respecting and celebrating the sovereignty of each person makes the challenge even greater.

But our sense is that this may be the only way we have to build a sane world together. Alternatively, the win-lose game we are all willingly or unwillingly a part of, if allowed to continue, will end with billions of losers and a few thousand winners.

Growing SANE culture is a grand experiment in figuring out how to keep ’turning toward’ one another, how to engage our whole hearts, minds and bodies for individual and collective flourishing, how to listen for the synergistic intelligence emergent in the middle, how to collaborate without losing track of ourselves, how to uplift and celebrate each other, how to remain decent under duress, and how to work together and alone for a future that is wholesome for everyone.

We begin with finding each other.

SANE is made up of a growing body of individuals committed to embodying the journey of becoming evermore sane - in word and deed.

If you would like to connect, please sign up to our mailing list below and we will let you know when our platform is ready to bring in new participants.

Are you journeying toward becoming evermore whole?